Nhood: a mixed use real estate operator with a triple positive impact (people-planet-profit)

Recognised real estate expertise
At Nhood, we are the men and women, the areas of expertise and the experience of the Ceetrus and Nodi companies, recognised for years as key real estate and retail players.
We’re an agile team of 1,052 specialists who rely on each of their areas of expertise to design and carry out projects down to the slightest details.
Operating in 11 territories, we offer our clients a global approach that takes account of local specificities.

A mobilised, committed collective
We commit to a long-term responsibility to make all the neighbourhoods where we are located lively, appealing, connected and human-focused.
Because tomorrow we will remain the first residents of these new neighbourhoods, we put our know-how at the service of cutting-edge projects with positive impacts for the city, the planet and those who live there.

Our speciality? Real estate services.
We put the collective to work for the common good.
We animate sites to foster a genuine sense of community. We lease, maintain and refurbish our clients’ property and entertain the sites so that everybody feels good there. That’s how we maximise traffic!
We manage real estate assets based on the quality of their impact. We regenerate our clients’ properties and boost their value with sustainable projects that are meaningful for users.
We carry out real estate operations at every stage of the project. From market studies to sales, we take a measurable approach that creates jobs, social bonds and ecological innovations.
We put the collective at the service of the common good!
For each of our projects we:
1 - Put together a tailor-made team with different areas of expertise
2 - Consult a panel of elected officials, residents and business-owners to take everybody’s needs into account.

Only teamwork allows us to design and create sustainable projects that are useful to as many people as possible.
3 - Bring together associations, companies and players in the social and solidarity economy to entirely co-create the project.
We are the mixed real estate operator of New Immo Holding, which includes the real estate activities of the Mulliez Family Association (MFA).