Nhood plans ahead, optimises and adds value to your real estate assets

At Nhood, we believe that we cannot achieve economic and financial performance witheout having a positive impact on the territory, it's residents and our planet. That's why we have implemented an integrated approach to asset management that combines financial and extra-financial criteria.

Maximising asset value accross life cycle stages.
We enhance, create or recreate value for our real estate clients portfolios through a results-oriented approach to asset management, where economic and financial performance comply with ESG regulations. Our solutions integrate strategy, decision-making, consulting and data analysis to ensure sustainable results for each asset and value for money throughout its life cycle.

Asset Management : a solution to the ecological transition
Asset management is key to the real estate industry ecological transition. As an asset manager, it is our duty to improve the sustainability of each asset by implementing sustainable development strategies (saving energy, efficient waste management), improving asset resilience to climate risks and natural disasters and raising awareness of sustainability among tenants and users (promoting reuse/recycling approach, soft mobility and conditions to regenerate conditions of life on impermeabilized sites).
Nhood supports you throughout your project :
Real estate investment analysis and strategy
- Portofolio audit and analysis
- Performance benchmarking and market research
- Investment and asset management policies
- Business plan and budgeting
- Portofolio management
Performance and cash flow
- Setting up and managing teams and departements
- Monitoring key performance indicators and targets
- Reviewing and overseeing property management, marketing and leasing strategies
- Capital expenditures impacting future operational expenditure savings
- Re-letting
- Identification of additional incomes
Value creation strategy
- Analysis of value-added potential
- Budget optimisation
- Long term and short term rental income
- Renovation, extension and restructuring
- Repositioning/assigning a new function
Acquisition and disposal advice
- Advice on wether to sell or hold your investments
- Valuation process
- Feasibility studies
- Financing and refinancing advice
- Joint venture frameworks
- Tax consultancy service
Do you want to increase the value of your asset portfolio in the long term?
That's what we do every day! We analyze and improve the performance of your assets according to their economic, ecological and societal impact. This is how we create value for our clients and society at the same time.
Discover our other real estate services: